Davis Partnership Architects Rocked the Go-Tober Commuter Challenge (1st Place)
Posted November 15, 2016 by Kyle Hoogewind
Davis Partnership employees made smarter choices in October and won top smart commuter honor

November 15, 2016 (Denver, CO) – Davis Partnership announced today that it is top of its class in Way to Go’s annual “Go-Tober, Go-Team Company Challenge.” Davis Partnership among 42 Denver metro organizations competing for the title of smartest commuters throughout the month of October. All competing organizations had one thing in common: a desire to prove that they were the ultimate go-getters when it comes to commuting to and from work.
“We really learned a lot during the Go-Tober commuter competition and we had fun doing it,” said coordinator Pia Valeriana of Davis Partnership .“Not only was this fun and easy, I’m convinced that many of our employees now realize there’s a better way to get to and from work.”
Davis Partnership took first prize in the Neighborhood Ninja category. Categories were determined based on the organization’s proximity to public transit. In order to make the competition fair, a tally formula was implemented to make sure that every non-Single Occupant Vehicle (SOV) trip counted equally regardless of the number of employees or distance traveled.
The total commuter miles tracked during the Go-Tober challenge equaled 399,712 miles, which is comparable to traveling from Los Angeles to New York City 143 times. Commuters burned a total of 2,985,928 calories, equivalent to nearly 7,100 pumpkin spiced lattes (at 420 calories per drink w/ whipped cream). . In addition, commuters saved time, money and helped reduce air pollution. Commuters saved some $102,128 in travel costs and reduced carbon monoxide emissions by 112 tons.
Go-Tober is presented by Way to Go, a regional partnership between the Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) and a dedicated group of seven Transportation Management Associations (TMAs).
The Go-Tober commuter challenge was designed to get people to try new commuting options including public transit, biking, walking, telecommuting, vanpooling or carpooling. Employees of participating companies registered on MyWayToGo.org/Go-Tober and logged at least four non-SOV round-trip commutes during October. This is the second year of the competition.
“This campaign offers employers a turn-key program to promote smart commute choices,” said Steve Erickson, Director of Marketing and Communications for the Denver Regional Council of Governments. Davis Partnership really led the way by encouraging its staff to try smarter and less stressful modes of transportation. We couldn’t be more pleased with the results.”
For a complete list of companies that Davis Partnership competed against employers and to see the final results, check out the Go-Tober leaderboard.