Celebrating 50 Years of Architecture
This year we celebrate 50 years of architectural service. Since the inception of Davis Partnership Architects in 1967, we’ve added several disciplines, expanded our base services and worked with some of the most prestigious names in the industry forming some of Denver, Colorado and the Rocky Mountain region’s most recognizable landmarks.
Through all these years a lot has changed but we continue to be true to our ethos: We are driven to create spaces that inspire, elevating the joy and dignity of the human experience. One constant has been the incredible people, firm, design, clients and community that have allowed us to attain and maintain this high mark for such a long time. For that, we must say thanks to all of you.

Davis Partnership Architects has been influencing the ongoing development of the Rocky Mountain West’s urban and rural communities for generations. While Davis Partnership is celebrating its fiftieth anniversary under the “Davis” moniker in 2017, its true architectural legacy began more than a century ago.
Under the names of Fisher and Fisher, Fisher and Davis and the modern-day Davis Partnership Architects, the firm has gradually taken its place as one of the largest, most influential design firms in the West. Since William A. Fisher’s downtown Denver architectural practice opened in 1892, the firm and its predecessors have shaped a great number of Colorado’s most prominent commercial, educational, civic and cultural landmarks as well as many of the most respected healthcare and research and development facilities in the nation. Built on the foundation of a broad and dedicated clientele, Davis Partnership has consistently demonstrated a level of service and design that has earned the trust and respect of clients and peers alike.

[Images clockwise from top left] B’nai B’rith Infirmary, Security Building, The Colorado National Bank, Denver National Bank, Denver Polo Club, Voorhees Memorial, The South Denver High School, The Residence of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Hughes – all projects completed by predecessor firm Fisher & Fisher Architects
Notable Work
The following projects are a snapshot of the elegant solutions we’ve provided to clients and our communities over the past 50 years. Some projects are bolder architectural statements while others are more subdued. As you move through our built environment we hope that you will be sure to take note of the spaces you occupy, how they make you feel and how they interact with each other. We hope your experience is as joyful as we intend it to be!

[01] Solaris – Associate Architect: Barnes Coy Architects [02] Anchor Center for Blind Children [03] Denver Botanic Gardens, Center for Science, Art and Education [04] University of Colorado Boulder, Center for Community – Associate Architect: Centerbrook Architects [05] The New Elitch Gardens

[06] The Colorado Health Foundation Headquarters [07] National Jewish Health, Iris and Michael Smith Clinic and Laboratories [08] Denver Art Museum, Frederic C. Hamilton Building – Associate Architect: Studio Daniel Libeskind

[09] Kaiser Permanente Lone Tree Medical Offices / Specialty Care – Associate Architect: Bennett Wagner Grody Architects [10] University of Colorado at Boulder, Wolf Law Building – Associate Architect: Centerbrook Architects [11] Museum of Contemporary Art Denver – Associate Architect: Adjaye+Associates [12] Shiloh House Family Resource Pavilion [13] University of Denver, Daniel L. Ritchie Center for Sports & Wellness and Fields – Associate Architect: Cabell Childress

[14] Davis Partnership Architects at 2901 Blake Street [15] 1600 Glenarm Place [16] Museum Residences – Associate Architect: Associate Architect: Studio Daniel Libeskind [17] Saint Joseph Hospital, SCL Health System Associate Architects: H+L Architecture, ZGF Architects

[18] the Art Hotel [19] Adams State University, Music Building [20] CHI St. Alexius Health Dickinson

[21] CoBank Corporate Headquarters [22] National Jewish Health, Molly Blank Conference Center [23] Jefferson County School District, Columbine Senior High School and Atrium and Library Project [24] University of Colorado Hospital, Anschutz Cancer Pavilion – Associate Architect: Perkins & Will [25] Mile High United Way, Morgridge Center for Community Change

[26] Gaslamp Bar [27] The Craft Training Center [28] Adams State University, Stadium, Student Housing & Dining Facility [29] Children’s Hospital, South Inpatient Care Facility – Associate Architect: FKP Architects

[30] Our Lady of Loreto, Parish Life Center And School – Associate Architect: Faleide Architecture Studio [31] Grand River Hospital District, Battlement Mesa Medical Office Building [32] University of Colorado at Denver Health Sciences Center, Anschutz Medical Center Library – Associate Architect: Centerbrook Architects

[33] South Denver Cardiology Heart Center [34] St Francis Medical Center – Associate Architect: Ohlson Lavoie Collaborative [35] Mercy Medical Center, Birthing and Ambulatory Surgery Center [36] 999 17th Street [37] Monroe Pointe

[38] University of Colorado Hospital Rocky Mountain Lions Eye Institute Addition and Renovation [39] Abiding Hope Lutheran Church [40] Two Tabor Center [41] Exempla Good Samaritan Medical Center – Associate Architect: HKS, Inc.

[42] Adams State University, Performing Arts Theater – Associate Architect: LMN Architects [43] University of Colorado at Boulder, Farrand Field [44] University of Colorado, Recreation Center Expansion & Renovation – Associate Architect: Cannon Design

[45] Civic Center Cultural Complex at the Denver Art Museum – Associate Architect: Studio Daniel Libeskind [46] Denver Athletic Club [47] DTC 5 Office Upgrades [48] Mercy Medical Center, Des Moines [49] Confidential Research Facility – Associate Architect: Moore Ruble Yudell

[50] Panorama Park Residence [51] University of Colorado at Boulder, Engineering Center [52] University of Colorado at Boulder, Leeds School of Business – Associate Architect: Architectural Resources, Cambridge, Inc. [53] One City Block

[54] University of Colorado Hospital Anschutz Medical Campus, Leprino Office Building [55] 575 East 20th Avenue [56] Roosevelt Bar