Message on Social Justice
Posted June 22, 2020 by Kyle Hoogewind

Recent events across our country and community have heightened our awareness of the unacceptable social injustices and racism faced by Black Americans. Recognition that our Black community is systemically marginalized and oppressed is long overdue. We hold our fellow citizens, community members, and staff who have experienced pain and injustice in our hearts, and we pledge to work towards a more equitable future for all people who experience discrimination of any kind.
As a member of the design industry, Davis Partnership Architects is driven to elevate the joy and dignity of the human experience. We believe in an environment of expression and collaboration that is based upon mutual respect, equality, and acceptance. We have a long and proud history of working with clients and institutions dedicated to making positive change in our community. We are equally grateful to have a passionate and caring staff that constantly seek opportunities to further our community impact through volunteer efforts focused on making a difference in the lives of the underserved and those most in need within our community.
While we are indeed proud of serving our community for more than 50 years, recent nationwide events shedding light on enduring systemic racism have made us realize there is much work left to do. We acknowledge as individuals and as an organization that we are imperfect and need to do more. Believing that our actions will speak louder than our words, we will seek to make a difference in these areas of influence:
Realizing that the path to an equitable society is being brutally honest with how we have arrived at this point, we pledge to listen and educate ourselves about the issue of racial injustice. We will participate in dialogues, share perspectives, foster communication, and we will find the courage to act upon our convictions, challenging the comfort of the status quo.
Community Outreach
We will find new avenues to engage locally, seeking to be a voice for the unheard and underserved. We will collaborate with our community partners to find additional ways to create positive change for people of color, shaping the urban fabric in which we live and work together.
Design Influence
Acknowledging that our profession is overwhelmingly white, we will seek solutions to provide increased opportunities for people of color to enter the field of design so that they too can achieve their dreams and inspire community.
While these actions are only the beginning, we believe they are intentional and focused to foster positive change.
TOGETHER we are Community.