Mile High United Way Morgridge Center for Community Change
Commercial -
63,000 s.f. -
2014 -
Denver, Colorado
The new Mile High United Way facility is an anchor for furture growth in the area
This new building is a unique example of what happens when a community comes together. Mile High United Way–the very first United Way in the country–started in the Curtis Park/Five Points area over 127 years ago. Through partnerships with the City and County of Denver, Curtis Park Neighbors, Davis Partnership Architects, PCL Construction, and the community, their new mission-based community hub was born. The design team of PCL Construction and Davis Partnership Architects worked closely with Mile High United Way and community stakeholders to arrive at a design that feels aesthetically and historically connected to the neighborhood. The building’s verticality and multi-dimensional façade intentionally represent the cadence that is prominent throughout the Curtis Park Neighborhood. [Read More]
Project Scope
- Architecture
- Commercial
- Interior Design
- Landscape Architecture
- Mixed Use
- Sustainability